Partner With Us

xMonthly’s Meeting Offerings

We offer a variety of options for partnering with xMonthly team. Schedule one now and unlock software solutions for your business or clients!

Quick, focused discussions to align on goals and strategies.

xMonthly 1 Hour Partner Center Deep Dive: In-depth exploration of the Partner Center to maximize your capabilities.

xMonthly 2 Day Partner Onsite: Hands-on support and collaboration to drive success.

xMonthly 8 Week Microsoft Commerce Incentives & Rebates Program: Extended program to optimize incentives and rebates.

xMonthly Meeting Offerings

  • Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix

Start each month with marketing strategies for client engagement

Register for 1st Working Monday

  • Secret Agent Briefing

Secret Agent Briefing

Gain insights into strategies to drive partner growth

Register for 2nd Tuesday

  • CSP Briefing Service

xMonthly CSP Briefing

Register clients and start the cloud conversation

Register for 3rd Wednesday