Discovery Questions for Microsoft Seller GTM Program

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To help us better understand your needs and estimate the effort required for an xMonthly Agent, please consider the following Microsoft Seller GTM Program discovery questions.

Business Overview
  1. What is your business name and website URL?
  2. Can you provide a brief description of your business and its primary products or services?
  3. Who is your target audience?
Business Development
  1. What are your current goals for business development?
  2. Have you identified any key areas for growth within your market?
  3. What strategies have you previously used to align your business goals with market opportunities?
Strategic Positioning
  1. How do you currently position your products and services within the market?
  2. Additionally, what are your goals for enhancing co-selling opportunities with Microsoft?
  3. Have you faced any challenges in positioning your products and services for maximum collaboration and success within the Microsoft ecosystem?
Long-Term Growth and Support
  1. What are your long-term growth objectives?
  2. Moreover, what type of ongoing assistance and resources do you need to achieve your business objectives?
  3. How do you currently navigate the complexities of the market?

By answering these Microsoft Seller GTM Program discovery questions, we can better understand your needs and provide a tailored solution that meets your business objectives. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!

xMonthly Meeting Offerings

  • Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix

Start each month with marketing strategies for client engagement

Register for 1st Working Monday

  • Secret Agent Briefing

Secret Agent Briefing

Gain insights into strategies to drive partner growth

Register for 2nd Tuesday

  • CSP Briefing Service

xMonthly CSP Briefing

Register clients and start the cloud conversation

Register for 3rd Wednesday